Didier Lab

Laboratoires Didier SASU
25 rue Keller,
75011 Paris, France

Phone: (+33) 0758 652 726

E-mail: didierlabuk@gmail.com

DISTRIBUTION / COOPERATION: didier@didierlab.co.uk
Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 15:00 

SIRET: 81293800170025
TVA: FR02812938017 NAF/APE: 4645Z


We're always here to help at Didier Lab UK, so if you have any questions for us or just need our advice, please just fill in the form below and we'll do our best to reply to you within 24 hours (Monday - Friday). If you have a concern about an order you have made on our store, please quote your order ID number (can be found in your order confirmation email).